If you have a
story to tell about yourself or a loved one that has battled
Hodgkin's Disease, we want to hear it! Submit us your stories so they can
benefit patients looking for support. We are also looking for
Hodgkin's related columns and stories about events around the world
about people working for the cure. Submit us your stories so they can benefit
patients looking for support.
for Survivor Stories
Stories should be no
less than 750 words and should include an update
looking back on the events from a perspective of where you currently
are in your life or treatment. We welcome stories written from the
prospective of a care giver (mother/spouse), doctor, friend, relative,
patient, or survivor. Please include a picture of the writer currently and from the time of the
events in the story.
Read an Example Survivor Story 
For Columns
Columns should be no less than
500 words. There is no limitation about what your column can be about,
just as long as you choose a specific topic, event, or experience and
stick to that topic throughout the entire piece of writing. We welcome
columns written from the
prospective of a care giver (mother/spouse), doctor, friend, relative,
patient, or survivor. Please include a current picture of the writer
as well as any other photographs that you want displayed.
Read an Example Column 
Your Stories/Columns to:
Out More About CureHodgkins.com 